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Solar-powered plane lands safely after 26-hour flight

An experimental solar-powered aircraft launched on Wednesday has landed safely in Switzerland after successfully flying through the night.


Tans: going for the burn

We've been warned all about the bad effects of sunbathing, yet we keep putting ourselves at risk. So why can't we give up the tan?

Category: Public Health


Planck telescope sends back a postcard of the universe

This image from the Planck telescope is a first installment from its survey of the universe's hidden structure

Category: Space


Killer chemicals and greased palms – the deadly 'end game' for leaded petrol

Tetra ethyl lead is banned in UK but Ellesmere Port firm used dirty tactics to ensure export markets kept on buying

Category: Transport


Blimps could replace aircraft in freight transport, say scientists

Helium-powered ships could be carrying freight – and even passengers – in as little as a decade's time

Category: Transport

Displaying results 631 to 635 out of 2977